Our recent visit to India was not only about connecting with industry leaders, but also about deep-diving into critical legal and dispute resolution topics at the SCMA Seminars!

Mumbai Seminar Highlights
Guest of Honour: Cheong Ming Foong, Consul-General of Singapore in Mumbai, shared his perspectives on strengthening collaboration between India and Singapore.
An Introduction to Maritime Singapore: Bhavani S. (Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)) provided an overview of Singapore’s maritime ecosystem.
Arbitration & Dispute Resolution: Insights from Bernice Yeoh, Murali Pany and Rafizah Gaffoor (JTJB LLP).
Maritime Arbitration: Haireez Jufferie, Sivah C (LVM Law Chambers LLC) examined cost, time, and procedural considerations.
Sanctions in Shipping: Karnan Thirupathy (Kennedys).
International Mediation Growth: Antony Lee (SIMC) emphasised how mediation is entering a golden era for trade disputes.

These discussions reinforced the need for efficient, cost-effective dispute resolution mechanisms in the maritime industry. A huge thanks to all speakers and supporting organisations, Indian National Shipowners' Association (INSA), ICS Madras Branch (Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers), ICS Mumbai branch (Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers)!


SCMA Chennai Seminar


Seoul Breakfast Conference 2024